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NOW LIVE Podcast Episode 115

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: How To Set Big-Hearted Boundaries

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Toddlers Made Easy

A no-fluff, bite-sized podcast that gives you the insight, actionable tools, and confidence you need to not only handle anything toddler-related thrown your way —  but prevent tricky behaviors before they begin.


Toddlers Made Easy is hosted by Dr. Cathryn, one of the world's most trusted pediatricians with more than 35 years of experience and a mother of 4.




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In this episode of *Toddlers Made Easy*, we dive into the art of setting firm yet loving boundaries with toddlers using the big-hearted approach. We explore how being kind and empathetic doesn’t mean being permissive, and how holding strong limits helps children feel safe and guided.

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In this episode of the Toddlers Made Easy podcast, Dr. Cathryn explores how to offer choices to toddlers in a way that empowers them without overwhelming them. She discusses the importance of allowing toddlers to make decisions, which helps foster independence, reduce power struggles, and build confidence.

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In this episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," host Dr. Cathryn provides practical scripts and strategies for managing toddler tantrums calmly and effectively. She emphasizes that tantrums are normal developmental behaviors and stresses the importance of parents staying calm during these episodes.

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In this episode, we explore the best ways to support your child through potty training without rushing or coaxing. With over 35 years of experience, I recommend a relaxed, zero-pressure approach. While some kids can learn in a weekend, pushing kids can lead to issues like constipation, behavioral problems, and stress.

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Welcome! I’m Dr. Cathryn, pediatrician with 35 years of experience and mom of 4. This week, we dive into the art of calming a tantrum without saying a word. Timing and approach are key—intervene too soon or in the wrong way, and you might unintentionally escalate the situation.

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Welcome! I’m Dr. Cathryn, pediatrician with 35 years of experience and mom of 4. This week, we dive into the art of calming a tantrum without saying a word. Timing and approach are key—intervene too soon or in the wrong way, and you might unintentionally escalate the situation.

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Starting school can be tough, with a mix of nerves, excitement, and fear. I’ve been there—my youngest had a hard time with drop-offs, but a simple change made all the difference.

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In this episode of Toddlers Made Easy, Dr. Cathryn explores why children wake up at night and how to manage it. Drawing from personal experiences, including a notable sleep mistake with her daughter, Dr. Cathryn explains the impact of ineffective sleep associations, fears, and separation anxiety on night wakings.

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In this episode, Dr. Cathryn discusses how to avoid raising an entitled child and instead foster resilience. She begins by explaining the characteristics of entitled behavior in children while clarifying that normal toddler self-centeredness is different from entitlement.

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Dr. Cathryn tackles the challenging topic of toddler hitting with a compassionate, big-hearted approach. We explore the various reasons behind this common behavior and introduce the E.A.S.Y. method—a practical, step-by-step strategy to help parents respond effectively.

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Dr. Cathryn discusses common potty training mistakes and introduces a relaxed "lazy potty training" approach. She shares insights from her 35 years of experience working with families.

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In this episode, Dr. Cathryn dives into the ups and downs of parenting spirited children, sharing personal anecdotes and offering actionable tips for channeling their endless curiosity.

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Today, Dr. Cathryn delves into the importance of setting firm, yet kind, boundaries to help children manage their emotions and feel secure. Our "Calm, Connect, and Communicate" method offers a practical way to maintain composure and set clear limits, improving your child's ability to cope with frustrations.

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In this episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," Dr. Cathryn introduces a refreshing perspective on potty training, termed "lazy potty training." This approach emphasizes a relaxed, supportive environment where toddlers lead their own journey to bathroom independence, without the stress and pressure typical of more traditional methods.

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In today's episode of "Toddlers Made Easy," Dr. Cathryn unravels the complexities of nighttime potty training, contrasting it with the successes of daytime training. Through Mia's experiences, we explore the natural developmental processes that affect nighttime dryness and discuss when it might be necessary to seek medical advice.

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In this special 100th episode, Dr. Cathryn takes a moment to step back from our usual discussions to share something deeply personal—her own story. This episode is a chance for her to connect on a more personal level, sharing the experiences that have shaped her approach to parenting and professional life.

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Dr. Cathryn shares stress-free tips for potty training using a no-pressure approach. Learn how to make this milestone smooth and positive for you and your toddler. A no-pressure approach empowers your child, making potty training a positive experience. Happy parenting!

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We dive into the essential topic of helping children manage disappointment and build frustration tolerance. Instead of shielding them from discomfort, we should validate their feelings, empathize, and provide support without immediately trying to fix the situation. 

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We explore whether manners matter for toddlers. Manners, like small acts of kindness, show care and respect, creating a more compassionate world. Teaching "please" and "thank you" instills empathy, helps kids value others, and fosters self-respect.


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We're diving into the EASY method—a transformative technique to help you navigate toddler tantrums with grace and effectiveness. EASY is all about creating a calm and connected approach to those challenging moments.

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we explore effective strategies to prevent and manage picky eating in toddlers. Understanding toddler behavior is key, as food choices become a primary area of autonomy. How you respond to this natural pickiness can influence whether it becomes an entrenched habit.

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From the benefits of having a furry friend to considerations when choosing the right pet for your family, Dr. Cathryn explores it all. She discusses how pets can boost children's self-esteem, provide companionship, and teach responsibility. Plus, she shares fascinating insights into how pets can contribute to children's physical health and academic development.

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Dr Cathryn is tackling a topic that might seem simple but is actually a big deal for little ones: understanding time. Kids can't see or touch time, so they don't understand it like adults do. But as they grow, they start to get it through routines and daily patterns.

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We're exploring why toddlers can appear selfish and how to handle it. We’ll discuss how toddlers’ brain development impacts their behavior, and offer strategies for teaching them to manage their emotions without shaming or punishing them.

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A deep dive into what happens when standard parenting advice doesn't seem to cut it. Despite trying expert strategies, some problems persist, and today, we're focusing on sleep issues that remain challenging despite parents' best efforts.

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Public tantrums often embarrass us—but why is that the case? Even though we understand that tantrums are a normal part of a child's development, these moments can still make us feel incredibly uneasy. We worry about being judged by others, fearing they might see us as less capable parents.

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Dr. Cathryn shares three science-backed tips to help parents maintain their composure with their children. Discover the importance of identifying your triggers, recognizing early stress signs, and implementing a power pause.

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Explore toddler night wakings, uncovering reasons and solutions for better sleep. Understand the effects of sleep deprivation on the family and gain practical tips for bedtime success. Tune in for expert insights into fostering healthy sleep habits in your little one. Join us to create a well-rested household today.

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 Say goodbye to traditional time-outs that might not work and hello to understanding the natural stages of tantrums, from frustration to hugs. We'll chat about why toddlers act out as a way to communicate, not misbehave, and share practical tips for handling those tricky moments with ease. Learn to keep your cool and turn tough times into heartwarming connections.

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Dive into the real-life struggles of balancing different parenting styles, just like Cheryl's story where she and her husband can't seem to find common ground on discipline. Discover how open communication and mutual support can transform co-parenting challenges into opportunities for growth

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Dr. Cathryn explores the emotional and social challenges children like six-year-old Leo face when feeling unliked. We discuss empathetic parenting strategies, the importance of validating children's feelings, and how a Big-Hearted Interpretation can guide them through social hurdles.

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Learn actionable steps for embedding kindness in our daily lives, from acknowledging the grocery store clerk to engaging in family volunteer work. We discuss the importance of leading by example, celebrating small acts of kindness, teaching the value of apologies, and making amends. This journey towards raising caring, respectful, and responsible adults starts with our actions more than our words.

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Highlighting a listener's question about sibling name-calling, Dr. Cathryn offers practical advice on fostering a supportive family environment where feelings are acknowledged, and teaching needed skills is encouraged over shame and punishment. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to strengthen their parent-child bond with compassion and effective leadership, ensuring their child feels valued and understood, all while learning to manage their emotions and actions constructively.

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Bedtime fears usually start at around two years and may last several years. They happen very commonly because children spend their days in imaginative play, and it is tough for them to turn that off at bedtime.We talk about bedtime fears and how to overcome them. We go into why children have those fears and explain why they tend to happen from a developmental perspective. 

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Wondering how to set boundaries that stick, with a spoonful of love and kindness?The world of big-hearted parenting, where empathy meets discipline, turning tough moments into kind and peaceful ones. Discover simple yet powerful strategies to keep your cool and communicate with calm and confidence, transforming how you and your toddler navigate tricky times.

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We dive into the crucial topic of connecting with your toddler before correcting their behavior. Discover the power of empathy and learn practical strategies for nurturing a stronger connection with your child. We discuss how empathetic responses calm challenging moments and solve problems.

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Dr. Cathryn focuses on the vital role of the toddler years, challenging the notion of the 'Terrible Twos' and rebranding them as the 'Terribly Important Twos.' We discussed how toddlers still need as much emotional support as they did as infants, despite their growing independence.

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We're unpacking the 'Easy Does It' method – a big-hearted approach to helping your toddler fall asleep independently. Building on the emotional support strategies from Part 1, we discuss practical steps to ease bedtime struggles and how to gradually reduce your involvement. 

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Bedtime is tough! Are you lying next to your child for hours just to get them to sleep or facing a nightly battle of wills? Dr. Cathryn explores why toddlers resist bedtime, common sleep issues, and shares empathetic, effective strategies to help your child (and you!) get a better night's rest.

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Dr. Cathryn shares one of her favorite strategies for dealing with unwanted toddler behaviors. This tactic is a healthy alternative to yelling, threats, time-outs, and warnings. Listen for some great tips on dealing with unwanted behaviors when raising your toddler. 

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We tackle common challenges faced by parents of young children. From dealing with false accusations to preparing for a new sibling, handling defiance and aggression, to overcoming potty training challenges, we've got you covered. Learn practical and effective strategies to navigate these parenting hurdles with confidence and compassion.

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Discussing the importance of fostering a positive body image from a young age. Exploring how children as young as three begin forming opinions about body shapes. Strategies for promoting a healthy body image in toddlers and young children.

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Do you dream of having a child who naturally pitches in around the house without being asked? Dr. Cathryn explores the impactful role of chores in a toddler's development and how these early experiences can shape such proactive behavior.

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Discover why toddlers struggle with sharing and how it's tied to their developmental stage. Learn about the 'sportscasting' technique and how it can guide children to resolve conflicts and develop empathy.

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Navigating picky eating in toddlers is a common challenge rooted in their developmental journey toward food independence and exploration of tastes. To ease this phase, it's crucial to avoid pressuring a toddler to eat and instead adopt a relaxed approach.

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We explored the common belief that sugar causes hyperactivity in children. We delved into the origins of this myth, tracing it back to Dr. Ben Feingold's 1975 book "Why Your Child Is Hyperactive."

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We dive into the world of high-energy toddlers, sharing personal stories and expert advice for managing their boundless enthusiasm. Dr. Cathryn shares personal experiences, from navigating public spaces with an energetic toddler to handling embarrassing moments in professional settings.

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We delve deeper into the world of play and its impact on child development. We explore how fewer, open-ended toys can enhance creativity, and discuss organizing play spaces, toy rotations, and the importance of tidying up with tots.

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This episode delves into why play is much more than just fun for toddlers - it's essential for their mental and emotional development.

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Dr. Cathryn delves into the piercing world of toddler shrieks and screams, a phase that's as challenging as it is common. We share a story that brings this issue close to home for many, discuss why toddlers go through this phase and present big-hearted strategies to manage and mitigate the high decibels.

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If you've ever felt drained from negotiating, bribing, or enforcing time-outs, tune in to discover a simple yet effective tool to turn the tides: your attention. Learn how shifting your focus to what your child is doing well can create lasting change, illustrated by real-life examples.

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In this episode, Dr. Tobin will help you understand tantrums, teaching you when to step in and when to let them run their course. Gain insights into the emotional journey of a tantrum and how to approach it with empathy and patience.

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We're discussing a sweet way to say goodbye to the pacifier – introducing the 'Paci Fairy.' It's a fun approach for kids aged 2 and up. This magical strategy helps kids transition while nurturing their emotions and imagination.

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When your kid shouts, “You’re a stupid Mommy!” you have 2 choices in how to respond. Dr. Cathryn delves into the puzzling world of toddler rudeness. Understanding the developmental reasons behind such behavior can offer a fresh perspective. 

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Are you breaking out in cold sweats just thinking about potty training? Don't worry! In this episode, we debunk traditional myths around potty training readiness and offer a fresh, laid-back approach that puts your child at the center of the journey.

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While we can't shield our toddlers from every little bump or hiccup life throws their way, we can certainly arm them with the emotional resilience they need to rebound from these bumpy learning experiences.

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Today, Dr Cathryn tackles a BIG parenting hurdle: bedtime stalling, protests, and delays. From endless thirst to monster checks, we've all been there. But what if you could turn the tables on bedtime resistance?

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In this episode, we tackle the age-old issue: toddlers who just won't listen. Dr. Cathryn breaks down an easy-to-follow approach that not only grabs your toddler's attention but also boosts their emotional smarts.

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Struggling with tough goodbyes? Dr. Cathryn explains why sneaking out is not the solution and provides a game plan to approach goodbyes with thoughtfulness and understanding, laying the groundwork for a more secure, confident child.

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In today’s episode, we’re diving into the topic every parent with more than one child has to navigate: introducing a toddler to a new sibling. We’ll explore how to prepare your child for the arrival of a new family member and lay the foundation for a positive relationship from day one.

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Some kids аrе nаturаlly morе reserved аnd some аrе morе outgoing. In this episode, we tаlk аbout thе impоrtаnce оf understаnding thе nееds оf а sensitive child аnd recоgnizing thеir quiet strеngth.

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Sibs usually like being together, but playing nicely can be tough, especially with the age difference. Being the referee might not be the best way to manage sibling fights. In this episode, learn how to step in as the describer, not the divider.

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When your tot says “no way” to the potty, don’t sweat it! Every kiddo has their own pace and readiness to master new skills, potty time included. This week, Dr. Cathryn has a cool, new trick up her sleeve to make potty battles a breeze.

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When a toddler lies, it’s not a personal slight or a sign of poor character. Instead, it’s a common step in their developmental process. From wishful thinking to pretend play, toddlers’ big imaginations often blur the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

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Is a parent led approach to potty training really the most effective way to say goodbye to diapers? Let’s consider the power of a no pressure approach, why it's the game changer parents need, and how it empowers our little ones to conquer the potty journey! 

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So what’s the secret sauce to making this a smooth and even enjoyable experience for you and your toddler?? I’ve got a few strategies for you to take on tooth brushing like a champ!

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Pre-potty training creates a smoother, easier, and really less stressful experience. If you are approaching the potty training stage, then grab a notebook pen, and let’s dive in! 

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Being a grandparent is truly wonderful, awesome, and fantastic to say the least. But it also can be a bit tricky! Parenting attitudes and goals have undergone significant changes over the past few decades.

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After working as a pediatrician for more than a quarter of a century, I have learned many big lessons. One of which is that parents are naturally big-hearted. They're loving, kind, and willing to do just about anything when it comes to their kids.

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Parents often reach out to me concerned about their child's challenging behaviors, such as hitting, throwing toys, and not listening. They wonder how to manage these behaviors while still respecting their child and setting boundaries. If this sounds like you, then know you aren’t alone!

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In this episode, we’re uncovering the common misconceptions parents have about toddlers' abilities to share, control their emotions, and manage their impulses. Let’s debunk unrealistic expectations and challenge the negative label often associated with the "Terrible Twos" phase.

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Feel like your toddler is acting out, or throwing more fits than normal, and you’re not sure why? Toddlers often lack the verbal skills to articulate their emotions, but they rely on us as their parents to understand and interpret their behavior.

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Join me as we dive deeper into handling power struggles with toddlers and discover ways to navigate these moments with empathy and connection.  Remember, it's about turning challenging situations into opportunities for growth!

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Are you struggling with tricky toddler moments? Ever find yourself in situations where you think, "I can't do this"? Well, fear not, you aren’t alone! While there may be some things you can't do, there are plenty of other fantastic strategies you can use to navigate the ups and downs of parenting.

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In this episode, we're diving into the all-too-familiar bedtime battle cry: "I'm not tired!" I’m here to share some tips on how to conquer bedtime stalling like a pro.

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Are you tired of feeling guilty and overwhelmed because you're constantly yelling at your kids? Do you wish you could be calmer and more in control of your emotions? Well, you're in luck because, in this episode, we're going to give you some awesome tips on how to stop yelling at your little ones! 

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As a parent, you might be familiar with the struggles of dealing with a clingy toddler. Whether it's wanting to sit on your lap all the time or pulling at your clothes when you need to use the washroom, having a little one attached to you can be emotionally draining.

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Today, we’re diving into a hot topic, potty training! Now, we know it's been the norm for generations to toilet-train our little ones but listen up - it doesn't have to be that way! 

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Three-and-a-half-year-old Sam is a sweet kid, but he’s in the habit of tattling on his older brother, Eric, who is 6 years old. Whenever Eric does something that Sam thinks isn’t nice or fair, he runs to their parents and tells on him. Let’s talk about why kids tattle and what to do about it.

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Fears can be formidable for toddlers to face! Particularly so before they have formed the skills to express themselves fully.

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It can really be tough to manage those times when your toddler throws tantrums in public places! 

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All kids curse at some point! (Even though they most likely don’t understand what they are saying.)

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Getting little ones to listen can drive parents to their wits' end! However, there are productive, practical, and pleasant ways of persuading kids to play along without bribing or bullying them.

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Dealing with fussy eating habits is one of the more challenging aspects of raising a toddler. It can be frustrating or sometimes stressful when your toddler refuses to eat the nourishing meal that you have lovingly spent time preparing. 

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Toddlers have a short attention span and buzz quickly from one activity to the next. They tend to use the potty much the same, so they sometimes don't sit there as long as they should.

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Does thinking of introducing your toddler to their new sibling stress you out? If so, the solution may be much simpler than you surmised.

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Unrealistic expectations start early. Would you believe that most moms magnify what their toddlers can manage?

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Would it surprise you to learn that pooping problems often prevail during the potty training process? 

Toddlers love routines and rituals, so changing them could upset your child and cause problems.

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Did you know that setting limits for your little ones will let them know they are looked after and loved?

Most parents find it easy to love their kids and ensure they are happy and self-confident. Yet many struggle with setting and holding boundaries. 


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In this episode, I explain how to create an environment that reflects your child’s interest and how to encourage them to play there. I also dive into how long you can realistically expect your child to remain content playing on their own and habits to avoid that might discourage independent play.  

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Did you know toddlers do not typically try to hurt the person they hit? 

Your toddler is not a bad kid if they smack someone. Nor does it mean you are no good as a parent or indicate that there may be problems down the road. They are simply acting their age.

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Did you know toddlers do not typically try to hurt the person they hit? 

Your toddler is not a bad kid if they smack someone. Nor does it mean you are no good as a parent or indicate that there may be problems down the road. They are simply acting their age.

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Spitting is a pretty common toddler problem. It may seem gross to us as parents, but toddlers find it funny and love to watch their parents freaking out! That does not make them bad kids. They just enjoy feeling powerful. 

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Some kids are just naturally more intense, passionate, and emotional than others. Two-year-olds have limited self-control. So even though toddlers with big, exuberant personalities are delightful, their extreme enthusiasm can sometimes cause problems.

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Is your toddler’s desire to delay dozing off driving you to distraction?

Bedtime fears usually start at around two years and may last several years. They happen very commonly because children spend their days in imaginative play, and it is tough for them to turn that off at bedtime. 

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Did you know that you can reduce troublesome tantrums by tapping into what’s causing them? 

Toddlers’ tantrums can be wild, irrational, and confusing. So it helps to understand that tantrums are a normal part of a toddler’s development because their brains are still developing.

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Did you know that treating siblings as equals fuels friction and fighting?  

Sibling relationships are complex. Observational studies have shown that some siblings fight as often as eight times an hour!

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Do you dread the despair of difficult daily drop-offs?

The woeful look on a toddler’s face when parting makes it hard for parents to walk away without feeling heartbroken and guilty. 

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Did you know that toddlers cannot comprehend the concept of sharing?

Snatching toys and shouting “mine” is not a sign of selfishness in toddlers. It only happens because they have no idea what sharing is.

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Are your toddler’s picky eating patterns perturbing you? 

Fussy eating habits and mealtime conflicts can be very frustrating! Food battles can cause a great deal of stress and may even lead us to encourage habitual behavior we later regret.

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Are time-outs truly the best way to tackle your toddlers’ tantrums?

Time-outs have been the go-to method for dealing with children’s undesirable behavior since the 1950s. 

From the age of two, most parents start considering what works and what does not. Many parents tend to worry about being too hard or too soft on their children, getting them to listen, or even messing them up. 

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Has your toddler been telling tall tales? 

If so, don’t panic! All kids stretch the truth at times, and lying is a perfectly normal part of a toddler’s development.

Even though it can be perplexing to hear your toddler tell unlikely stories, it is neither a reflection of bad character nor a sign of moral weakness! Lying is a complex skill. So, when two-year-olds do it, it is considered a sign of advanced cognitive capabilities and shows that they have an active imagination.

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Toddlers suck their thumb when bored, falling asleep, upset, and watching tv. It creates a yummy feeling, like a day at the spa. Over time, kids develop other calming skills and typically give the habit up. 

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No one wants their kids flinging toys/objects across the room. I’m not talking about a friendly game of catch. I’m talking about when the remote control goes flying because you said, “No, sweetheart, you can’t have cake for breakfast.” In this episode, Dr. Cathryn helps us understand why kids throw things and how to end this habit in ways that protect a child’s dignity, curiosity, and self-esteem. 

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Kids whine for many reasons, but driving you crazy isn’t actually one of them. Toddlers lack sophistication… and moaning and groaning is their way of saying, “I need you. Please take care of me.” Instead of viewing whining as a toddler trying to manipulate you, remember that whining is a toddler's attempt at trying to be seen and heard. They just lack the tools to do this. 

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It’s so easy to get sucked into power struggles with toddlers. So, what’s the best way to deal with power struggles? Avoiding them altogether! 

In today’s episode, we discuss simple, effective, strategies to avoid tug-of-wars. 

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Accidents happen. When you’re potty training they’re likely to happen a lot. When we consider accidents part of the learning process, they’re easier to respond to gently. Today, we will discuss ways to respond to accidents that send the right message, “I believe you.”

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The problem with forced apologies is that it causes a child to feel shame without teaching them anything about empathy. And it often doesn’t even necessarily soothe the hurt child because they sense the apology is false.⁣

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Parenting is tough. But parenting a little biter is even more challenging.  In today’s episode, we’ll look at how to find the right response to biting so your child learns more effective ways of managing big feelings. But hear me out… biting doesn’t mean your child is bad or spoiled. And no, you’re not a bad parent!

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In this episode Dr. Cathryn revisits her last topic: using a gentle, no-stress approach to potty training. If this is your first time hearing about it, be sure to go back and listen to her previous episode where she goes over Part 1.

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For this first episode, Dr. Cathryn starts with one of her favorite strategies for dealing with unwanted behaviors in toddlers. This tactic is a healthy alternative to yelling, threats, time outs, and warnings. Listen in for some great tips on how to deal with unwanted behaviors when raising your toddler.

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Sometimes toddlers will show favoritism for one parent over the other. This can be draining for the one who is "the favorite" and insulting for the one who is not. In this episode, Dr. Cathryn addresses this behavior and how to understand and manage it respectfully but effectively.

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Tantrums are a normal part of raising a toddler, and sometimes there are things parents can do or say to make tantrums worse without realizing it. Listen in as Dr. Cathryn goes over what to avoid when your toddler is throwing a tantrum and what it is you can do to navigate them as a parent.

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Dr. Cathryn shares her experience using a gentle, no-stress approach to potty training. Tune in to hear why toddlers don't need toilet training, and what to do instead.

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Toddlers Made Easy is a short, 10 minute, bite-sized podcast that gives you the insight, tools, and confidence you need to not only handle anything toddler-related thrown your way —but prevent problem behaviors before they start. Toddlers Made Easy is hosted by Dr. Cathryn, a nationally recognized pediatrician with more than 30 years of experience and a mother of 4.

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